Flipkart, the popular Indian e-commerce firm, on Monday announced the launch of its app for Android Wear devices. The app allows users to view their Flipkart Wishlist on Android Wear devices, as well as push notifications from the Flipkart app.
The company says that it is planning to bring features like order tracking information, price drop notification, personalised offer notification and more to an upcoming version of the Wishlist app. Notably, the push notification feature available in the current iteration of the Flipkart Wishlist app for Android Wear devices requires users to enable push notifications in the main Flipkart app for Android.
Notably, the app is not yet listed on Google Play. For now, the only way to install the app is to install the latest version of the Flipkart app on an Android smartphone or tablet, which is then to be connected with the Android Wear wearable device. The Flipkart Wishlist app will then be automatically installed on the wearable device.
The firm also took the chance to remind users that the Moto 360 smartwatch is now back in stock with Flipkart, and added that an upcoming version of the Flipkart wearable app will also feature compatibility with smartwatches from Martian and Garmin.
Flipkart has had an eventful past couple of months, with the company setting sales record of sorts in India with its Big Billion Day in early October. The company said the site got a billion hits on the day of the sale, and the company achieved $100 million (Rs. 615 crores approximately) in sales (GMV) in 10 hours.
The Big Billion Day saw sales massive sales, however, it also saw many angry customers, with several alleging that Flipkart had increased prices of products leading up to the sale, misleading customers about the size of the discount. Users also faced other site-based glitches, including the website being inaccessible, out-of-stock issues, and cancellations. The founders apologised to customers via email.
The company says that it is planning to bring features like order tracking information, price drop notification, personalised offer notification and more to an upcoming version of the Wishlist app. Notably, the push notification feature available in the current iteration of the Flipkart Wishlist app for Android Wear devices requires users to enable push notifications in the main Flipkart app for Android.
Notably, the app is not yet listed on Google Play. For now, the only way to install the app is to install the latest version of the Flipkart app on an Android smartphone or tablet, which is then to be connected with the Android Wear wearable device. The Flipkart Wishlist app will then be automatically installed on the wearable device.
The firm also took the chance to remind users that the Moto 360 smartwatch is now back in stock with Flipkart, and added that an upcoming version of the Flipkart wearable app will also feature compatibility with smartwatches from Martian and Garmin.
Flipkart has had an eventful past couple of months, with the company setting sales record of sorts in India with its Big Billion Day in early October. The company said the site got a billion hits on the day of the sale, and the company achieved $100 million (Rs. 615 crores approximately) in sales (GMV) in 10 hours.
The Big Billion Day saw sales massive sales, however, it also saw many angry customers, with several alleging that Flipkart had increased prices of products leading up to the sale, misleading customers about the size of the discount. Users also faced other site-based glitches, including the website being inaccessible, out-of-stock issues, and cancellations. The founders apologised to customers via email.
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