Indian handset brand Lava has quietly launched a new smartphone, Iris X1 Beats, expanding its Iris X series. The smartphone has been listed on the company's website at Rs 6,552.
The dual sim smartphone features a 5-inch (480x854p) FWVGA IPS display. The phone boasts of a K-Class Amplifier combined with better quality speakers, as claimed by the company.
Powered by 1.2GHz quad-core processor, Lava Iris X1 Beats has 1GB RAM, and comes with 8GB of internal storage. Users can also install microSD cards of up to 32GB for more storage.
It sports a 5MP rear autofocus camera with LED flash and 0.3MP front-facing camera.
The phone runs Android 4.4 Kitkat and packs a 2200mAh battery that delivers up to 11 hours of talk time on 3G network and up to 134 hours of standby time on single-SIM, claims the company.
Iris X1 Beats comes with smart gesture controls to use applications from locked screen, just like the other Lava Iris smartphones such as Lava Iris Fuel 60, Lava Iris Grand and Lava Iris X8.
For connectivity, the smartphone offers support for 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a micro-USB slot.
Lava Iris X1 Beats comes in White-Silver, White-Gold, and Ink Black colours.
The dual sim smartphone features a 5-inch (480x854p) FWVGA IPS display. The phone boasts of a K-Class Amplifier combined with better quality speakers, as claimed by the company.
Powered by 1.2GHz quad-core processor, Lava Iris X1 Beats has 1GB RAM, and comes with 8GB of internal storage. Users can also install microSD cards of up to 32GB for more storage.
It sports a 5MP rear autofocus camera with LED flash and 0.3MP front-facing camera.
The phone runs Android 4.4 Kitkat and packs a 2200mAh battery that delivers up to 11 hours of talk time on 3G network and up to 134 hours of standby time on single-SIM, claims the company.
Iris X1 Beats comes with smart gesture controls to use applications from locked screen, just like the other Lava Iris smartphones such as Lava Iris Fuel 60, Lava Iris Grand and Lava Iris X8.
For connectivity, the smartphone offers support for 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a micro-USB slot.
Lava Iris X1 Beats comes in White-Silver, White-Gold, and Ink Black colours.
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