How to do a home manicureMost of the times you don't realize that your hands are one of the most exposed and used parts of the body. 

Therefore, it needs to be cared well. Even if you use the most expensive anti-ageing cream, but don't take care of your hands, they might belie your true years. So here are some easy tips to take care of your hands.

-After removing your nail paint, take lukewarm water in a bowl and dip your hands. Gently exfoliate your hands and get rid of all the dead skin.

-After exfoliating, dab your hands dry and apply a hand cream to give your hands a boost with moisturizer. At this point, you can cut and shape your nails as you please.

-Don't forget your cuticles, and attend to them as well. There are many products available that soften the cuticles. Apply and massage the cuticles.

-Once the cuticles are soft, gently push them back and remove the flakes.

-Finally, apply the nail colour of your choice and flaunt the new manicured hands.

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